Thursday, September 19, 2013


I made it. I was in Joseph's house last night. It was a bit foggy so I snuck right behind them. The house was unlocked. Inside, the walls were destroyed by what looked like claw marks. The place was absolutely stripped bare: no furniture, nothing. I went into the basement, and there it was: the 'back door'. It was a metal trapdoor, with a lock of remarkable quality. Someone tried to open it forcefully leaving a lot of marks on the trapdoor, but failed. Why couldn't they simply pick the lock? Luckily, I brought the key from the journal. It fit. The trapdoor was very heavy and I barely managed to move it. Eventually I openned it and went inside. It was a small room which reminded me on 20th century fallout shelters. What really got my attention was a chest of drawers. Apart from empty papers, there was a notebook hidden in there. I still haven't read it, but it said 'Property of Leanne Cross' on the front. I got through the first couple of pages and saw that it was a kind of a diary. I read through the first three entries. Nothing I'd write here. I mean, apart from private stuff, it had details about a walk through a forest. While I was reading it, I heard a heavy breathing. I closed the trapdoor and locked it from the inside. Soon after I heard a growling from behind it, and something started clawing the door. Then there were two gunshot and a scream, and then running noises. Two men were on the other side, I couldn't make out what they were saying though. I had to sleep over there since I was too frightened to go outside. The next morning I reluctantly unlocked the door. There was nobody in the house. The cops weren't there, strangely. I ran off, got to my senses and here I am. I'm still reading the diary thing.


PS: Our scanner broke, so I don't think I'll be posting those drawings and journal entries anytime soon.

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