Saturday, December 28, 2013


I'm alive. Yesterday at roughly the same time as now I headed over to Robert's apartment. Nobody answered the door so I decided to wait in front of the building. I saw him come inside after about two hours, so I followed him in, with a gun. Once I reached the door, I took my gun out and prepared to shoot. As I heard the footsteps of Robert coming towards the door, I suddenly remembered how good he was to me as I was hanging, so I decided to put the gun away. At least until he turns hostile. He opened the door and was not at all surprised to see me, as he said he was expecting me. He welcomed me inside and told me to sit on the sofa, which I did. He made us tea, and we sat down. He asked me if I knew what sort of danger was I in right now, and explained to me that he could have come with another Agent who wouldn't be as happy to see me waiting in front of the building, exposed. Oh shit, gotta run, part 2 coming up soon -j

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